There once was a Tory named Flight
Who let slip the cuts in sight
Howard got mad
But the voters are glad
The Conservatives are dead tonight
25th March 2005
There once was a Tory named Flight
Who let slip the cuts in sight
Howard got mad
But the voters are glad
The Conservatives are dead tonight
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From Goodreads:
Jennifer Egan
Brilliant! Where did you get that?
I wrote it!
Jeez, GCSE English isn’t for *nothing* y’know…
So what percentage of your GCSE grade is dirty political limericks?
25% Reading
25% Writing
25% Listening
25% Limericking
Has your english teacher not told you? [shock]
Hmm, dead …. no.
To be dead, you need to be a tiny minority. Still though, what with being opposition and what not – and polling only 5% behind the leading party, I would say thats FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR from dead.
Anyway Dom I don’t want fucking Adam Boutlon losing sleep over his job tonight, o master of political analysis you are, so lets put it on the back burner until May.