(Calvin Coolidge if you were wondering)
You know you’re a die-hard blogger when people at school say “How was the exam? Oh, I’ll read it on your blog…!”
Well, today was the first ‘exam’ exam, but not quite enough of an ‘exam’ to make me not say the same thing tomorrow. Spanish Listening, which I’m describing as easy\hard because it seemed to be quite an easy exam, even if I don’t think I did that well on it. Not a disaster either though – and thankfully the recordings on the tape spoke nice and s-l-o-w-l-y most of the time. I wonder where foreigners picked up that habit from?
Tomorrow is the RE and World of Work sections of Humanities. World of Work will be fun, because it’s an interesting topic in itself. RE will be a dull attempt to regurgitate half-baked lies in two flavours (Christianity & Islam) and half the struggle may be to remember which one I’m writing about.
I mean, take this quote from my Christianity text book, talking about the validity of the Bible: “It is possible that things were added and exaggerated, but not as much as people might think.”
Anything I do gets exaggerated within a few minutes, so how Jesus went 2000 years in a picture-postcard state of preservation would be a remarkable feat if it were the least bit true.
Aghh… religion.
Oh, and as I said on Rob’s blog today – “One good thing to come out of the BBC strike was that Breakfast got replaced with News 24! Yay – and not a sofa in sight.”
I just did my ICT exam!
It was quite easy if I’m honest since the last question was about website designing, implementing and testing, which I’ve done for coursework and obviously on El Barto.
They didn’t ask for data collection forms (which are easy, but I don’t like to get my pencil out and start putting in little sketches of where things would go) and no flow chart diagrams which was good because I didn’t learn the different symbols!
I was sat for half an hour doing nothing (why do they give you so much time?) and was starting to panick if I put all the correct answers and just wanted to get out before I went insane!
On wednesday, it’s English Literature. I know all about Of Mice and Men but need to ‘revise’ all the poems.
Anyway, that’s enough from me. I’m trying to escape revision so I best get back to it and hope I DON’T feel as sick with butterflies as I did today on wednesday!
[Admin is being nice
I quite like BBC Breakfast; the studio does need a slight lick of paint – or maybe just some Fiona Bruce-ing?