Q. Guess what! Mum and Tasha are off to Venice tomorrow!
A. That’s not a question.
Q. Sorry, but I had to get kick-start this post.
A. OK.
Q. Wait a sec… Tash is going to Venice? Didn’t she just get an iPod mini? Lucky sod.
A. That’s two questions. And no, it’s not because of her birthday.
Q. Oh?
A. We take it in turns to go on these mini-holiday things. I went to Washington DC and later Rome. Katie went to Grenada.
Q. How lovely. So, you’ll be staying in London then, revising hard?
A. Don’t be silly. I’ll be in Suffolk.
Q. Suffolk?
A. Dad takes the others to Suffolk instead.
Q. I’m going to stop talking to you now, since you’re really just me, and talking to yourself is the first sign of madness.
A. I was just thinking the same thing. Bye!
And talking back is the second sign!
Posts always seem to be like this late at night.
That was a real ‘laugh out loud’ moment, congrats!
Oh dear, the spammers are back….
Gah – this is ridiculous. I’m so glad Nucleus has a batch delete function…!
Q What family can afford all these
A Only a middle-classed one
Q Who’s obsessed with the class system even though it ended officially in 1997?
(Tony Blair joke)
A Bagman!
You make me feel poor and unwanted – more so!
man im 13 and only went on 2 holidays with a uhh 3 year gap
Florida and Venice
Haha, that post reminded me of them things in The Guardian.