In preparation for moving out, I’m going through the stacks and stacks of paper which managed to accumulate in my room over the past few years. Some things are making me smile, like:
- A paper aeroplane, described as ‘the magical, mathematical plane!’ except where someone (hmm, guess who..) has replaced this with ‘red plane’ and a hammer and sickle
- A sheet bravely entitled ‘How to pass A-Levels’ written during some dark day in Year 13
- The time I put myself on report, where Mr Moore has called me troublesome and petulant
- Posters stolen from Waseley and given to me, along with a party streamer
- Endless cartoons scribbled on otherwise serious work. King Louis XVI is attacked for leaving out the definitive article by an angry crowd of French people. A size zero girl in the shape of a giant zero. That kind of thing.
- The model answer given to us an example of how to answer the English Literature war exam. This was mightily depressing.
- A statistical formula on the probability of being a nasty girl
- Using the title ‘Mock Blake’ at the start of as many mock exams as I could
Oh, begone you paper!