New shoes! Specifically, new shoes that I bought using a newly discovered and much valued technique: namely, gather a crack team of concerned girls together and get them to do it for me. So many thanks, Abbi, Maryam and Jules – you’ve collectively returned me to that (sadly always temporary) phase of my life when I don’t walk around with holes in my shoes.

Some of the shoe-buying team

(Oh yeah, Katie and I are building a Dalek btw)
This past week I’ve been working on another UCL(funding cuts)-QPCS summer school, and although the kids were all pretty sweet it does leave you with a sense of relief when you can return to talking to people your own age, tempered by a fear that you will inadvertently start shouting at your friends to stay in line or stop talking. For this reason, amongst others, it was very very nice to unwind in the pub with Matthew on Friday night – Matthew being someone that I see often enough to feel in touch with yet rarely enough that I feel compelled to blog his name. And then last night I went to the wonderful Alice’s birthday party, in which Elizer Eliezer and I were both mistaken for 23 (ahem), a corner of the room became dedicated to telling Jewish jokes and we all ate Emily’s delicious cake. It was great, and slightly nostalgic, for I remember being the age when you gathered at someone’s house for a birthday with vaguely illicit helpings of blue WKD…
Right, planned engineering work on this blog: I’m off on holiday to Croatia! (Again!) Have fun in my absence – and if you do find yourself without anything to do, try listening to a song about birds.
I LOVE YOUR NEW SHOES. You see, this is what happens when you go shopping with real girls. When you go shopping with me it starts off like ‘How about these shoes?’ and – in the space of one sentence – turns into ‘What flavour milkshake you getting?’
Bravo shoe-buying team!
It’s"Eliezer." You can remember it like, "zer," for Sweden.
Those shoes are made of win!
Nice shoes. Next, how about a top that isn’t a neutral colour and isn’t 2 sizes too loose
P.S I love you