The passing of time, and school, and work, and history essays aside, at the end of every year I stand having had it proven to me once again that the thing that gets you through the doldrums and the dire depths of perseverance are people. People you love, people who care about you, people who are kind of jerks but hey, people who are cute customers who keep coming in looking for Terry Eagleton, people who aren’t, people who are impressive or inspiring or hilarious or something else.
Happy new year!
So I don’t really make resolutions, because I don’t really see why February or March Dominic should be beholden to the mad whims of January Dominic, but if I did one would probably be to blog better. And since part of blogging better is not to let a couple of weeks go by without mentioning something, allow me to enthuse now about SexFest On Tour: Sleepover Edition. (And yes, another not-resolution-resolution is to write an FAQ page for the SexFest name so that people don’t think it’s an orgy. I mean, if you were going to host an orgy, surely you’d call it something inconspicuous?) Joshua’s flat was unavailable this year, so we innovated and took the party up to Barnet so that they could experience the joys of midnight pillow fighting to welcome in 2011 and so on. And it was wonderful. Massive thanks to Oliver for hosting us at his house, and to everyone who came! (More photos to follow on Facebook. Obv.)

Our tour bus


Some were more prepared than others for the midnight pillow fight

Fight fight fight (happy new year!) fight

All warm and cosy by the morning

The delegation from Enfield
(By the way, have you ever tried to get some fast food on Barnet high street at half 3 in the morning on new year’s day? I’d advise you travel in packs.)
The next morning, on the bus home and after a grand total of about half an hour’s sleep, I spent the whole time repeating to myself that I was going to get home and then go to bed. Imagine my surprise a little later when I find myself stomping around Hampstead Heath instead with Katie and our cousin Jamie. Madness, but actually left me feeling much better than going straight to sleep would have done. Later, after I did sleep for a bit, I had my first cup of tea of 2011 and we settled down to watch the opening episode of Firefly together. If the first day of the year is setting any sort of precedent, this year is going to be awesome