
World Series

What a moment to be in Chicago. We had the perfect spot at the Begyle Brewing Company last night to watch the Cubs win the World Series for the first time in 108 years, but it wasn’t an easy ride getting there. Randi and I tried watching a couple of the earlier games with Todd and Carolyn, but our presence didn’t seem to bring much luck, and the Cubs ended up down 3-1 in the best-of-seven series. I made plans for Wednesday night on the assumption that there would be no seventh game. But then it all turned around, culuminating in a thrillingly tense finale in which my efforts to actually understand baseball were rewarded bigly.

Sure, my joy is vicarious. It was great timing to turn up in the city just as lifelong Cubs fans got what they’d always wanted. But as we were driven home through a thicket of celebratory car horns and waving W flags, it was clear there was plenty of joy around to share.



Matt, James and Lauren

Matt, James and Lauren

In non-baseball news, Randi scored free tickets to The Last Wife – a play based on the relationship between Henry VIII and Katherine Parr. As the title suggests, she was the one who outlived him. I most enjoyed its depiction of Henry, a historical figure who manages to tick both the boxes of ‘pivotical turning point in the nation’ and ‘clearly a psychopath’ at the same time. He ends up weirdly lovable, which is what several hundred years of distance can get you. I also completed my duty of showing Randi the Lord of the Rings trilogy and decided that I was going to love Class, the new Doctor Who spinoff, no matter any objective spoilsporting which could be trotted out. (I mean, it’s worth it for the character of Miss Quill alone. She’s great.)

I wanted to write this post now because tomorrow night we’re off to Toledo, Ohio to volunteer for Hillary in the final four days of the election. I fully expect the election of America’s first female President to follow next week. But just in case…. here was the high before the low. Look how happy we were!

Gillian Self, Natasha Self, Beth Dubowe-Lawrence, Katie Nichols, Amanda Schalk, David Boss, Hazel Boss, James Butler, Jason Zhou, Randi Lawrence liked this post.

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