Memo from 1990: if you want to mess with your mind, watch six episodes of Twin Peaks in a row. It’s good, though! And creepy. And slower-paced, but also more suspenseful than a lot of equivalent shows today – with much less sex, and much more intrusive instrumental music. It also means that Nolan and I can now retroactively understand a whole bunch of Simpsons references.
In more recent productions, we also saw Edge of Tomorrow at the cinema movie theatre this week. (For a mere $6.50, folks! This was exciting in its own right.) As usual I concur with Abbi – this is really pretty good, and worth seeing, even if it does star Tom Cruise.
This week I also reached two important landmarks in my American journey. Number #1: health insurance! This will make me significantly less bankrupt if I have the misfortune to be hit by a truck and survive. Number #2: my first July 4th, Independence Day! Which we celebrated with a suspiciously French-style picnic by the beach, before going back to Kristina’s for hot dogs, corn on the cob, a bevy of neighbourhood fireworks and patriotic songs. God bless America, etc. etc.
Sharon Little, Saujanya Gumidyala, Cassie Dessein, Kristina Francisco, Abigail Osbiston liked this post.
Love Twin Peaks !