A big shout out…

Disturbing news, people. I’ve just been informed that, apparently, some members of management at school may be reading this blog! Yeah, I know what you’re thinking – at least some people can be bothered to! But seriously, if anyone from my school is reading this, I didn’t mean anything bad I’ve ever said about the school, or the amount of coursework, or the colour some idiot (um, I mean ‘creative) decided to re-paint the Maths department doors with, or anything! Honest…

But I’ve realised, boy do I need to watch what I write here! Sorry, but principles are fine as long as you don’t have to get detention for them

Still on the subject of school, Nic Parkes’ local news website has been kind (some would say foolish) enough to publish a column I’ve written on secondary schools. Check it out here, especially those from senior management who aren’t considering a job in a private or selective school anytime soon. (But hey, guys, I’ve tried to promote Value Added as much as possible.)

According to Google blogs should be short so let’s wrap it up now… at Parent’s Evening tonight I was told I could be ‘a marketing director for Coca Cola.’ Disturbing news indeed.

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