Woot! I just got a place on the scheme which means I’ll get to visit Cambridge University from the 16th to 18th of February and follow round a student there, which is going to be so great!
I hope everyone who applied from my school got in too. Anyway – more details here.
Incredibly busy weekend too – had lunch with my great-uncle, then onto my cousin Alix’s 20th birthday celebrations (happy birthday!) before Joshua’s party tonight. Then tomorrow I’m off again to see grandparents… apparently their computer is exploding. Or something. We’ll see!
Oh and finally – I managed to burn a small patch of carpet after a lamp fell on it. It seemed to turn to astroturf. And this was minutes after I had been teasing Josie about setting fire to things, which made me feel bad. Karma!
Update: OK, maybe not I’ve suddenly lost all my things to do for the rest of the weekend! How odd. Oh well
Yes you should feel bad! I recommend you listen to the fire hypnotic message you sent me. But don’t worry i wont bully you much!
I will.