Welcome to the new – ultra masculine – Self household! On Friday afternoon the girls left us for a two week holiday in Tanzania, and I think it’s worth reporting that my first two meals afterwards were takeaway deep-pan pizza and hot dogs with heavy doses of ketchup. Heart attack beckons?

In Defence of History

I would also like to brag at finally solving a network issue that’s been bugging me (and Tasha, for whom it affects) for a long time. Hurrah! Now I can stream her utterly brilliant music folder across to my room. We are living in a material world, and I am a material girl… Yay!
Finally, I want to say how touched I am to be bequeathed things in Josie’s will.
I was left things too
I got Scrappy! Go me.
Takeaways? Yes Please!
hehe i got bored and hyper. You get a vistors guide to Londonsawell. Thought you mght need it.
Glad yuou’re not missing those vegetables, and hello from teckie-friendly (but slow dial up) Tanzania – G