I’m just back from a final trip for the wonderful A-Level English classes of QPCS: a ‘Literary High Tea’ featuring readings (for those of you interested in this sort of thing) from Kate Ansell, Jeremy Sheldon, Heidi James and Toby Litt. (Way to go for having a proper website, Toby! ) It was great fun, and having the presence of mind to take along a camera (for once) I will now present snaps for your delectation and delight:

I won’t lie, the hotel was rather nice

We brought the tone down

Cheers, darlings

Mr Moore scandalously missed our leaving day, so here he is

Yay We love you

Toby Litt entertains

English is what we do did

Of course, we all ended up in Pizza Hut afterwards

Hanan and Holly being Hanan and Holly
afternoon full of tea more tea and yummy cakes
and then an evening full of standing in rain only to end up in pizza hut hmm..
All in all a good way to say ‘bye-bye’ to the famous (rival) English lit classes