Hello again!
Well, there was certainly a perceptible rise in excitement levels last week. Thanks to everyone who left their congratulations on my last post: yes, I did end up collecting my remaining AQA results. Just for the anally-retentive – and me, since I have come to searching my own blog when I can’t remember something – they were:
LTA4 – Texts in Time – 90/90
LTA5C – Literary Connections (Cwk) – 90/90
LTA6 – Reading for Meaning – 117/120
MPC4 – Pure Core Mathematics 4 – 76/100
MS1A – Statistics 1A – 89/100
leaving me with AAAB in total. Which, incidentally, are the same grades achieved by Hiten and Promise (congrats ) making us a pleasingly unified trio! And after congratulating everyone else who got what they needed – like Robert – and also the Midlandic (yes, that’s now a word) AS lot, I’ll shush about results now. I’m now just looking forward to the years ahead!
In fact, I’ve just returned from a wonderful weekend in Brighton with Lucy. As theme park connoisseurs Brighton Pier wasn’t offering the most extreme white-knuckle rides you could imagine (unless you count bars which don’t appear to lock until the very last minute as ‘white-knuckle’) until we found one ride – probably meant for kids – boasting cheesy dance choons as a soundtrack. We went on it four times. Oh dear

Pingu’s baking
Finally, I am compelled to mention Pingu (again!) upon receipt of his chocolate brownie, which he sent in the post in a little Tupperware box. Yes, really. Don’t believe me, punk? See photo! Mmm…delicious too…
Heheh, congratulations Dom; have fun at Cambridge

Nice new site design too