
Meet Cleggy



Allow me to introduce you to my little robot, Cleggy, a Christmas gift from Oliver and Abi into which I have now breathed the gift of life via the admittedly trying media of double adhesive tape and folded cardboard. (He’s definitely voting Yes on AV. I haven’t quite decided yet.)

Last week we (Oliver, Abi, Sarah and I, you understand, not Cleggy) finally finished the gory Season 2 of True Blood. I also watched Burn After Reading with Joshua, engaged in a profitable Sherlock-swap with Tash K which enabled me to get with the times and start watching the brilliant Sherlock, bought even more books with Katie and discovered that, dash it, P.G. Wodehouse can be laugh-out-loud hilarious. (Here ceases my media announcements.) I’ve also basically finished my planning for America – yay! – although I still need to get myself a backpack suitably bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.

Oh, and as you can read all about in this week’s Geek Corner News (naturally), Saoirse and I proved ourselves rather less than persistent in our quest to explore Willesden High Road’s numerous drinking dens. It’s just not where I’ve ever tended to go out, but it would seem sad to overlook any outstanding pubs that were so close, so we decided to take a look. In one. That seemed nice, but didn’t have any seats. Almost unthinkingly, the next step was to walk to Kilburn and go somewhere nice there, which was all very pleasant but hardly in the spirit of the initial adventure. We’re bad locals. #willesdenfail

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