Tree, topped by pig
In the last few weeks there’s been the Ra Ra Retro Christmas Party (on a boat!), Simon’s Christmas party in Cambridge (with plentiful parlour games!), Groupon’s Christmas party (with scurrilous gossip!) and still we’re not done: plenty more mulled wine still left to drink before 2012 is done. I also saw The Hobbit with the family, which has got me super-excited (yes, I’m saying ‘super-excited’ a lot at the moment, and it’s got to stop) about the next two instalments. Presumably after that they’ll have to film, ur, The Silmarillion?
Now also might be a good time to review last year’s New Years resolutions, which I’ve never done before but actually worked out quite well for 2012:
I will read more books than last year, again.
Achieved! Totally, legitimately, absolutely achieved, with no cheating of the figures or rushing at the end. In 2011 I read 22 books. In 2012, assuming I don’t flake out on Jane Eyre at the end, it will be at least 25. Win.
I will not keep conveniently forgetting that I’m supposed to be flat hunting.
Also achieved! I mean, not only did I not forget, I actually went out and did it. Win x2.
I will sign up to Code Year and learn something new.
Mostly achieved. I definitely signed up, and kept with it throughout most of the year. And although I’ve dropped off a bit recently, I learnt something new and got the chance to put bits of it into practice at work. So I’m counting that as a win, too.
Still undecided about next year. So at my current rate of blogging, you should hear about it sometime around March. Ahem.