One sitcom which is never getting picked up
As much as I’d like to deny I’m in my mid-twenties – I was perfectly comfortable with 17, and see no compelling reason why that needed to change – one sure sign that I’m wrong is the up-tick in wedding invitations. And it softens the blow, since weddings are fun: especially when it’s two people as great as Shelby and Benno. (Shelbenno? Shelbo? There’s no settled consensus.) Special thanks to Todd and Carolyn for driving us to Grand Rapids and back last weekend! And also to Studio 6.23, whose photo I have nicked above 🙂
Randi’s parents have been visiting Chicago this week, which gave us another opportunity to see Improv Shakespeare. This time, approximately seventeen million below-the-legal-drinking-age University of Chicago freshers also turned up, which probably explains the introspective title It’s Lit. Still great, though. This weekend we also took the architecture boat tour, which was surprisingly good (considering how many other tours I’ve had by this point) and benefited from a great and enthusiastic tour guide.

On the river
Disclaimer: the following paragraph will contain mild allusions to Doctor Who spoilers.
Entirely uncoincidently, her parents’ night to themselves at Second City coincided with the start of the new series of Doctor Who. I love this show. All the hard work converting Randi into a fan has now paid off, and we were both totally captured from that moment in the pre-credits sequence (which I had no idea was coming). And Capaldi has warmed up a little, too… I expect he’ll really hit his stride this year, and it is going to be so awesome.
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