On Saturday morning Mum, Tash and Katie got back from an awesome trip to Tanzania. Yaaay It’s good to have sisters back – we danced to the Spice Girls (confession time here) then settled down to watch The Breakfast Club with take-away pizza. I love you guys (gals). You can read more here and see the glorious photo album here.

Tanzania photo I nicked off Tash

One side effect of having the girls back is that the digital camera is also back, meaning that I might finally update the photo on the home page I can also now officially announce (since it’s not a secret anymore) PC5 is here! The newest baby \ computer is in Katie’s room complete with excellently assembled – if we do say so ourselves – desk and chair from the glorious IKEA.
PC 5? Crist, i suppose you’ll be getting a PC for the garden next time?
Get a Mac.
i agree, get a mac