I’m back!

For once, I am Monopoly King
Now, I’m pretty unapologetic about enjoying holidays, so I won’t bother to go through that tiresome ‘moan unconvincingly about your holiday’ ritual designed to make other people feel good about their non-holiday. Also, it was only Dartmoor, so you’re unlikely to feel uber jealous that you haven’t marvelled over such sights as England’s tallest waterfall. (I have. Fact.) Nevertheless, it was lots of fun There was even an outdoor pool which – in Britain! – somehow managed to stay warm…

Fun in the pool
With non-existent mobile reception where we were staying I was able to devote ample chunks of time to reading Brideshead Revisited and Book Club’s The Bird Room. As a family we also watched plenty of films: Fight Club (excellent), Cars (sorely needs a public transport sequel), Black Hawk Down (like watching someone else play a computer game), The Black Dahlia (eh?) and Downfall (also excellent). (I have to admit to walking out of the first volume of Kill Bill after about half an hour, bored and feeling like I’d been watching a PowerPoint made for a film studies class.)

You travel to the other side of the country and arrive at… South Brent?!
There isn’t really much else to say, other than the full album will be on Facebook… soon

Look – countryside! (Scary cows not pictured)

Policing moral rectitude

Watch out for my new wildlife show, starting soon

Auditioning for the role of Steen

Fishin’ and chipin’ it on the last night
Cows? scary?
(tho I admit they are very big when you get close to them)
did they chase you?!
Lol! You have no qualms about making terrible photos public. This is a refreshing perspective.
I LOVE that Steen has made an appearance. If we do ever make a stage version of Edgar, you have to play Steen. I will of course play, Ruby and I think Tash should play Elle!
Definitely not going to lie – I find the wildlife one of you quite cute! xxxxx
P.S. Abbi – bagsy the absinthe fairy – wasn’t it Kylie in Moulin Rouge?
@Helen – No, they didn’t chase me – they just stood and *looked* at me with scary cow faces
I’ll practise my Norwegian accent! Sanna, you can surely help with that
Lucy, you may certainly play the absinth fairy and yes it was Kylie. Better start working on the French accent… any other takers?