America may have its national jokes such as Bush and, ur, the States in the middle. But don’t think that we can’t compete – we’ve got a civil war all of our own now!
Fox hunting. Blair promises it, Commons says yes, Lords says no, Commons says ‘we’re serious’, Lords say ‘fuck that’, Commons say ‘well fuck you too’, Lords say ‘AGHHHH’! Commons win. That, Ladies and Gentlemen, is a quick summing up of the last decade or so.
It’s brought home to me how utterly stupid the Lords are, and what a prick Prince Charles is. Oh wait, I already knew that…
Anyway – if anyone abroad was planning a trip to the UK, cancel it now while you can. It’s civil war, and I hear the Americans are sending a liberating army any moment now!
P.S. On a totally unrelated topic, ha ha
He may be a self-centred, egotistical, pompous buffoon but he’s still the nation’s favourite Tory MP. Whatever you think of him, it’s hard to deny that the episodes of ‘Have I Got News For You’ hosted by Boris Johnson were some of the best of all time.
However, let’s move on to – junk food! Yes, the government seems to have chosen to do something about this instead of tackling smoking. (Seems to be one or the other apparently. Can’t we have both?) A ban on junk food ads before 9pm would be brilliant, IMHO, mostly because it would piss off the big companies who make their money by feeding kids crap.
It would also signal the end of that Coco-Pops jingle, which I can’t get out of my head now! See – advertising works!
On the 5th of November, Nic wrote:
In other news – Arafat is said to be “between life and death” by the BBC – which is pretty much what everyone is, if you think about it; there really is no middle, because you never see the end.
By today, the 10th, we have:
More seriously, Arafat has moved into a deeper coma today. Officials say he is suffering from a brain haemorrhage (that’s intense internal bleeding) and claim his life is in the “hands of God”.
and now BBC News says: Israel agrees Arafat burial plans
Take a hint people! He is, for all intents and purposes, DEAD. They’re just waiting until they feel like making it official.
I’m just glad we’ve got a US President who has shown so much concern and understanding for the Middle East crisis over the past few years… :rolleyes: