You’ll have heard by now of the Sony Rootkit which effectively fucked up everyone’s computers and should get them sued till they cry.
Well, the good news is that Microsoft will remove it from your machine in Windows AntiSpyware \ Windows Defender as well as the Malicious Software Removal Tool on the next update. This is important because people with Automatic Updates turned on will be helped, even if they don’t know about Sony’s Rootkit of all evil.
So, I think a few brownie points are in order? Cheers Microsoft! Now, go break Sony’ back.
Since it’ll be Windows Live Messenger.
Great, so instead of saying “Oh, MSN me tonight” we’ll be saying “Oh, Live Messenger me tonight” or something. Riiight.
At least the butterfly will finally be going. I never liked MSN branding
Recently I’ve been doing some paid work on a website for a client – Zoom Infinity Limited. It’s a scientific research company run by Dr. Hemant Desai, who was my science teacher a few years ago at QPCS. The site is quite small and still under construction, with a brand spanking new logo designed by the magnificent Pingu, but I thought it was time to show it off here. The site is, of course, valid XHTML 1.0 Strict.
Feedback is welcome, though of course remember that this a commercial company and so anything unsuitable will be removed or edited by the big scary censor me as appropriate. Thanks
Yay this is really cool… I’ve been using a Messenger Plus! plugin to check RSS feeds for me but now I’ve been converted to the goodness of blogbot – a free add-in for Microsoft Outlook. RSS really does rock, and I’ve always wanted a nice and simple integration with email. For those of you using a simple aggregator, I hope to add an additional RSS feed of comments to this blog very soon.
Edit – for those who want it, the RSS comment feed is now online.
I’m digging the new release of Messenger Plus! – featuring tabbed MSN Messenger.
Check it out!