I had a really vivid dream last night – just before I woke up. I dreamt I pressed a secret keyboard combination (yes, I can remember what it was – the ‘Windows Key’ and ‘;’) which reformatted the PC automatically and then booted up to a ghostly Windows 95 screen in pink. I think it’s my subconscious telling me to back up!
A four day weekend awaits me now. Tomorrow involves picking new lights and carpets for my room. It’s getting redecorated – finally! – about time too cause the wallpaper is literally peeling off. How squalid. Anyway, I’m also going to see The Kumars at Number 42 being recorded tomorrow. And also try out that whole ‘revision thing’ everybody is talking about nowadays. More fun than Kaballah apparently?
you know i (GOD) still havn’t started revising and i’m just feeling anoyed by school now,as i bet everyone else is?
what they must do is "LET MY PEOPLE GO" on study leave!!!!!!!
now go spread the word of your lord!
Oooh, weird, I’m now curious and yet REALLY scared to enter that key combination!
Once more with feeling (and gravatar):
You wouldn’t get that kinda bollocks on Mac.
I *knew* you would say some alone those lines!
Mac is sucky it does not support a good MSN Messenger
Why use MSN?
Everybody I know here uses MSN really – best UI and features with Messenger Plus! – plus it unsurprisingly integrates very nicely with Windows.
I know that in other places AIM is more popular – what do you use?
AIM, but I use Trillian
The real version of AIM is horrible, but Trillian ads all the good features.
The East Coast of the U.S. is mostly AIM
I love my ‘sucky’ Mac then. Sure, MSN for Windows has more gimmicks, but Adium (http://www.adiumx.com) is fantastic as a messenger – supports display pics and such, but also allows you to customise the message view, contact list, what and how it alerts you to stuff, it’s scriptable (open source
, and it rocks. Plus it connects to every IM network under the sun.
MSN 7 and msgplus might be cool, but I’ve recreated most *useful* Plus! features with a few Applescripts. The winks, nudges and sound novelty wears off pretty damn fast.
No it really doesnt
It really does.
It does, I end up using messenger 6 or webmessenger to avoid a shaky screen and crapy animations.
Well, I just turn them off
But I couldn’t use Messenger 7 without ‘A-Patch’ to take away all the adverts anyway.
Thats why I use Trillian. AIM’s default layout has ads, and is just plain annoying.
Where am i again?
And Alex you said you liked the nudges and the winks of MSn 7.0
The ads all over the main screen.
Nudges and winks grow old FAST.