Blogger My old posts using Blogger

Right, here we go again… [sobs]

“Dom was the person I thought took the best to blogging, but he seems to have tailed-off recently. Maybe it’s the weather, whatever, it’s over to pictorial blogs for some!”

TAILED OFF? Right, that’s the best incentive I ever heard to get back blogging. I do wish Blogger had categories though

The US Election is close, only 9 days now. I can’t stress enough how important it is to the whole world that Bush loses (he can lose to a dead dormouse for all I care.) I recently read a really stupid article in The Times by some woman who, despite being a life-long Democrat, was voting Bush. And why, pray tell? “Cause the terrorists would want Kerry to win.”

Bullshit! The terrorists would want BUSH, someone to pit the US against the world, someone to hate, someone to get fired up about. And if there’s one thing I’ve learnt about Kerry recently, it’s that he doesn’t seem to get many people fired up. Perfect

Talking of which, be sure to catch ‘The Power of Nightmares’ on Wednesdays, BBC2. Yeah, we all know fear (duh) is used to control us (double duh) but it’s nice to see it spelt out every so often. And it’s GREAT to see ‘Have I Got News For You’ back, the Andrew Marr episode was great on Friday. Oh, plus ‘The Corporation’ is finally out in cinemas here now-ish. Another must-see for me.

My GCSE ICT Coursework – a Database – now kicks some serious ass. Honestly, it’s beautiful and it runs on the Desktop (kinda) without an ugly Access window. Worryingly, I’ve stayed up to 3am working on it. On more than one occasion. Yikes.

And now, a more serious note. It’s been on my mind a lot over the last few days. Robert Symons – a teacher at my school – was murdered defending his family and property from burglars recently (more news here). I really didn’t want to seem to be trivialising it on a blog, but now I think he deserves to be remembered, even by those who hardly knew him. Robert Symons, you will be missed.

So, is that post long enough for ya Nic? Might as well please my only reader!

Dominic’s – http://www.dominicself.co.uk/blog/
Dom was the person I thought took the best to blogging, but he seems to have tailed-off recently. Maybe it’s the weather, whatever, it’s over to pictorial blogs for some!

Right, that’s it. I don’t think there can be any more incentive than that – let’s get back blogging! Damn, I wish Blogger had categories though…

US Election is soon. Very soon – just 9 days to go. I can’t stress enough how the world needs Kerry to pull this one off. I read a really stupid article by an American woman recently who was a life-long Democrat but would be voting for Bush “cause the terrorists would want Kerry to win.” Yeah, right, the terrorists want someone to hate! They want someone who will get them fired up! And if there’s one thing I’ve learnt about Kerry it’s that he doesn’t exactly get people fired up. Just what we need

Talking of which, be sure to catch ‘The Power of Nightmares’ on Wednesdays, BBC2. Fear (duh) is used to control us (double duh.) But good to see it spelt out. Also – GREAT to see Have I Got News For You back on our screens. And ‘The Corporation’ film is also out in cinemas which is another must-see for me.

One reason the blogging has been slow recently is due to this. A few days ago, a teacher at my school was stabbed to death defending his home and family from burglars. I wasn’t really sure if I should mention it here, but it’s a loss worth remembering. Robert Symons, you will be sorely missed.

Of course, it then makes it hard to move on and talk about lighter things. However, my Database Coursework for ICT now kicks some serious ass. I’ve stayed up to 3am working on it on more than one occasion [worried]

So Nic, long enough post for ya? Might as well keep my one reader happy!

I just wrote a really long post which Blogger has just lost. Back in 5…

And has been since Friday afternoon, I’ve just been too busy to blog.

I have found a wonderful site by a Microsoft employee though, Raymond Chen’s ‘The Old New Thing’ at http://weblogs.asp.net/oldnewthing/. It’s chock a block filled with little stories about why Windows works (or doesn’t) the way it does.

The really scary thing is that I don’t think it’s a spoof.

Have a listen to the 10 demos on the site

I think I’d vomit if I heard this kind of thing on the radio here.