And finally…

Today I met up again with the one and only Bill Thompson of, and had a great discussion about Google, Gmail and whether we should be trusting private US companies to handle our mail and carry out our searches (hint: maybe not)

And today’s other hot IT topic – Messenger Plus! released version 3 of the brilliant add on to MSN Messenger. I use it mainly so I can monitor non-Hotmail email accounts but it’s packed with features so I’d encourage any heavy MSN user to check it out! It does come with a sponsor program but this is entirely optional, as long as you READ the installation carefully you won’t install it and will have no problems. (Well, you’ll always have problems cause it’s a computer, but just slightly less problems that you would have done.) Am I making any sense? (hint: definitely not)

Oh, and finally – you’d have thought Google owned Blogger would have recognised ‘Google’ or ‘Blogger’ as a word in its dictionary? Apparently not.

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