Advance warning – you can see it tomorrow at 6pm. After that the only place to watch The Simpsons advert free will be your DVD collection, so enjoy!
Of course, The Simpsons ain’t what it used to be anyway. IMHO, it lost its magic in season 9 onwards. Sure, it’s still a good show and fun to watch – but it feels completely different to ‘classic’ Simpsons, especially around seasons 4 and 5. The golden age. Oh well, all good things come to an end…
Windsor was better than I thought. Luckily the Union Jack on Underpants rubbish seems to have been toned down somewhat, and it’s quite a fun place to spend a day just strolling around the city centre!
Michael Moore, the film maker responsible for ‘Bowling for Columbine’ is having trouble with Disney who are refusing to distribute his new film in the US. Why? Oh, because he decides to uncover a few truths about George W and his buddies Disney would rather he didn’t.
Here, I believe Newsnight will cover the story – 22:30, BBC2. For those of you who can’t stay up that long, read the story at BBC News, then for god’s sake see the film when it comes out!
That’s right… me. Wow. All hail Humanities trips.
Dunno why I’m posting this really. Ah well, I officially have too much time on my hands.
I also decided to switch my website to only use (no www.) Hey, consistency rules and there’s no point having those little three letters, so out they go!
I wonder how much some marketing person was paid to come up with the amazing new name for BBCi on the web….
[drum roll] !
It’s brilliant! Read the totally non-tongue in cheek press release here