Well I was very pleased with that as I was expecting a B in Spanish at the most. My coursework (with healthy doses of political satire) probably pushed that up for me. Anyway, I’m now signed up for Sixth Form, which is the most important thing.
Special congratulations must go to Hiten as well – who got an amazing 10 A*s! Woo! We joined two others in photos for high-achievers before I got some pizza with family.
In case I can’t convey this via text – I’m smiling a lot right now!
A in Spanish, A* in everything else. More later…
GCSE results will be available from 11am tomorrow morning from Queens Park. If things go to plan, I’ll be enrolling for Sixth Form AS Level choices as well: Maths, Physics, History and English. For some reason we need passport sized photos so I’ll be up early tomorrow morning to get those done. And I don’t have to rush home to blog because I can blog from my phone! Woo hoo!
I probably won’t be able to get much sleep tonight. Waiting for results is much, much more nerve-racking than the exams themselves. Seriously – at the time they were pretty relaxing in an odd sort of way.
If you want real pressure, of course, fast-forward two years time. I’d like to do a shout out to my 18 year-old self in 2007. Hi! What’s it like waiting for results to an exam that will literally determine the future of your life? Either you got what you needed for university, or you didn’t. GCSEs aren’t really like that, but it’s not very reassuring right now.
Today, August 24th, is also the 10th birthday of Windows 95. Seriously. The Start Button is ten years old today. Happy Birthday Windows, and may the future be bright. (But not too bright – that would indicate a bad monitor driver or something.)
Night night
In the middle of a heatwave, my final GCSE exam, and my first GCSE exam done in shorts. History – which was easier than the last one because it’s based on sources. Luckily I had a nice seat next to the open window and a bottle of life-saving water and so it went pretty well. But then how should I know, I’m not the one who has to mark it. Talking of which – Hurry Up with that! I want my results now!
Summer starts right here, right now. The sun’s out, the paddling pool is full and I’ve got until September before I have to do any more work. Oh, and my blinds got fixed, along with Natwest activating my online banking account. Yay! No wait, Woot!
Is a pub chain, apparently. Anyway, I’ve only got one GCSE left now – History on Tuesday – after this morning’s Science. To be honest, I can’t even remember that much about the exam, nothing really sticks out as being particularly irregular or even slightly humorous. They asked the questions on climate change (again!), life on Mars and how fast this car was travelling (um, probably an electric car) and I did my best to answer. Strangely, the hardest questions were the bits we hadn’t been taught